TG Governor

Simplicity and low cost are distinct advantages of the TG Governors. The governors operate with speed droop for stability of control.

An internal oil pump, driven by the governor’s drive shaft, transports oil from the self-contained sump. Internal pressure is maintained by a relief valve-accumulator system. An oil sight-glass provides ease in checking the oil level.

The output (terminal) shaft extends out both sides of the case, and the governor drive rotation can be in either direction.

TG Governors are available in two different work outputs: 16 Nm (12 lb-ft) for the TG13 and 23.7 Nm (17.5 lb-ft) for the TG-17. Two different types of speed-setting adjustments are available for each power output. Screw speed-setting is standard and lever speed-setting is optional.

This unit is hydraulically powered for a high work output and is available for three speed ranges.